EU says there is no official probe into AI chips

European Union EU antitrust regulators

The European Union (EU) has recently been examining the AI chip market for potential anticompetitive abuses. The AI chip market has been growing rapidly in recent years, with brands like Nvidia dominating the market. However, concerns have been raised about potential anti-competitive practices in the market leading the EU to examine the market. For this reason, there have been rumours that the EU has launched an early probe into NVIDIA which controls the AI chip market.  However, the EU antitrust regulators have stated that they have not opened a formal probe into AI chips. In response to an email from Reuters, a spokesperson of the EU executive department said

“There is no formal investigation by the Commission into the matter you refer to,”


Gizchina News of the week

The European Commission has been informally collecting views on potentially abusive practices in the AI chip market. According to Bloomberg, it is doing so specifically for GPUs. However, it is important to note that getting market views is quite different from a formal investigation.

The EU is examining alleged anticompetitive abuses in chips used for AI, a market that’s dominated by Nvidia Corp. The early stage quest for market data may not result in a formal probe or fines. However, the EU is looking to understand if there could be a need for future probes.

Final Words

The EU is checking the AI chip market for potential anticompetitive practices. While there is no formal probe by the EU at this time, the early-stage examination highlights growing concerns about the industry. The EU has now put all rumours to rest of a possible official probe at the moment. However, with this sort of rumour, companies like Nvidia should be getting ready in case of a possible official probe. We will have to keep our fingers crossed with regard to the outcome of the EU checks.

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