Google Messages Will Soon Allow You to Edit Sent Messages

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Good news for Google Messages users! The popular messaging app may soon be getting a much-requested feature: the ability to edit sent messages.

This feature was recently available in the beta version of Google Messages by tech blog AssembleDebug. They found several pieces of code that suggest Google is working on adding the ability to edit sent messages.

Google Messages is getting ready to receive one of the best options on WhatsApp

Google Messages

Here’s what we know so far:

  • Four flags were available in the beta version of the app that point towards the editing feature.
  • These flags are not yet enabled, so users cannot edit messages just yet.
  • The code suggests that Google is also working on a way to store information about edited messages, such as the original message and the time it was edited.
  • This is similar to how WhatsApp handles edited messages, which also shows the original message and the time it was edited.
  • It is unclear at this time if Google will implement a time limit for editing messages, as some other messaging apps do.

While there is no guarantee that this feature will make it to the final version of Google Messages, the fact that Google is working on it is a good sign. This is a feature that many users have been asking for, and it would be a major improvement to the app.

Gizchina News of the week

Here are some of the benefits of being able to edit sent messages:

  • It would allow you to fix any typos or errors in your messages.
  • It would give you a chance to change your mind about something you said.
  • It could help you avoid misunderstandings.
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We hope that Google will continue to work on this feature and make it available to all users soon. It would be a great addition to the Google Messages app and would make it even more user-friendly.

In the meantime, here are some tips for avoiding sending messages you regret:

  • Take your time before sending a message. Read it over carefully to make sure there are no typos or errors.
  • If you’re not sure about something you’ve said, wait a few minutes before sending the message. This will give you time to calm down and think about it again.
  • If you do send a message you regret, you can always apologize to the recipient.

We hope this article was helpful!

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